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  • Nox-Minima | Free sky map to print

    ​NOX MINIMA is a free sky map to p rint and to build by yourself. It is an elegant tridimensional dome displaying the stars and constellations of your place. Star data comes from Hipparcos catalogue. The dome is a miniature night sky. The zenith is just at the top of the dome, which is not the case with flat representations. It is simple to perform a panoramic exploration of the sky, making it easier to identify the relative position of stars, constellations, the celestial pole, the ecliptic, etc. The NOX MINIMA dome is part of the project: "Tapirapé: paper 3D planetarium", host by the School of Science and Technology of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Beautiful, durable and easy to assemble Print the 3 pages of the PDF of your city's sky. For better results , use medium weight papers (180 gsm ). Use scissors to cut along the lines shown in the animated gif. Ask an adult to help you with scissors. Glue the segments joining the lines. Always do it from the bottom up, one sector at a time, pressing the glued parts against a flat surface and reinforcing the outside of the dome. Do the same with the other two pieces of sky. Then glue them together, closing the dome, always from the bottom up. Create your city’s sky now Latitude Longitude Display constellation lines Display constellation names Culture: Layout: Create Download! Date: * Time: Magnitude threshold Timezone: ​ This usually takes about 30 seconds. Diameter (cm) Location Location:

  • About | Nox-Minima

    About the project The NOX MINIMA dome is part of the project: "Tapirapé: paper 3D planetarium", host by the School of Science and Technology of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. One of the main objectives of the project is to put young people in touch with observing the sky, offering workshops in schools. Our expectation is that a concrete dome can help these experiences to be multiplied around the world. The name NOX MINIMA uses two Latin words that, together, mean something like "the smallest night". We feel as if we were holding a miniature of the night sky in our hands. So, calmly assemble your dome and notice the charm of the spherical shape, adorned with the beauty of the stars and the lines of the constellations. Tapirapé is the Tupi name for the Milky Way and means "Path of the Tapir". It is also the name of an indigenous group speaking the Tupi-Guarani language that inhabits central Brazil. The sky of the Southern Hemisphere is full of legends. You can generate the dome with traditional Western figures or with figures of constellations of the original peoples who inhabit Brazil. The figures of Anta (the Tapir), Ema (the Rhea) and Homem Velho (the Old Man) are now available. This project is an academic contribution to sky observation lovers, teachers and students. Let's put the cell phone aside and meet the stars. Enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment. comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment.

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